Publicerad 2012-09-14 17:34:45 i Dagens citat,
Det är fredag ida'!!!
Har inte så mycket mer att säga, så jag slutar här.
Publicerad 2012-04-30 14:47:40 i Dagens citat,
Annie: What kind of a name is 'Stove' anyway? What, are you like a kitchen appliance or something?
Flight Attendant Steve: No. My name is Steve and I'm a man.
Annie: You are a flight attendant.
Från vilken film??
Här är svaret.
Publicerad 2012-01-08 12:27:00 i Dagens citat,
Det var ju huuur längesedan som helst jag hade det, så varsegoda:
Aunt Voula: [
to Ian's parents] Now, you are family. Okay. All my life, I had a lump at the back of my neck, right here. Always, a lump. Then I started menopause and the lump got bigger from the "hormonees." It started to grow. So I go to the doctor, and he did the bio... the b... the... the bios... the... b... the "bobopsy." Inside the lump he found teeth and a spinal cord. Yes. Inside the lump was my twin.
Från en småkomisk film som går att se ett par gånger:

Publicerad 2011-10-08 18:35:55 i Dagens citat,
Det var ju ett tag sen ;)
The Repairman: I'm the Repairman.
Wesley: What do you repair?
The Repairman: A lifetime of bad habits.
Från en film jag hade höga förväntningar på, men tyckte inte att den var bra. Förutom James McAvoy, som alltid är bra :)

Publicerad 2011-07-17 23:57:53 i Dagens citat,
Billie Frechette: What do you want?
John Dillinger: Everything. Right now.
Från en cool film, fast hmm.. Man kanske inte ska kalla den det, då den är baserad på faktiska händelser och riktiga personer och det var nog inte så "coolt" då.. Men en BRA film är det!!!

Publicerad 2011-07-15 21:16:58 i Dagens citat,
Teddy Daniels: I had a friend. I was with him yesterday, but we got separated. Have you seen him?
Rachel 2: Marshal... you have no friends.
Från den alldeles superba filmen med en underbar Leo:

Publicerad 2011-07-10 16:30:47 i Dagens citat,
Ronald Miller: I just think it would be more fun to party with those guys our senior year... go to the games...
Kenneth Wurman: We go to ALL the games.
Ronald Miller: We sit in the visiting section Kenneth... at our own school.
Från en klassisk 80-tals rulle...

Publicerad 2011-06-27 22:02:50 i Dagens citat,
Candy Kendall: He volunteered. Jesus. Nobody volunteers for the Burma run. He said so himself. He just leaves me here. What does he want? He wants me to wait for him? Oh, God he knows me. He knows I'm not good at being alone. This was right. I know this was right.
Homer Wells: You're right. This was right.
Candy Kendall: Yeah.
Från en bra rulle helt enkelt:

Publicerad 2011-06-20 21:28:42 i Dagens citat,
Joan Wilder: You're a mondo dismo!
Jack Colton: I'm... what am I? I'm what?
Joan Wilder: You're a man who takes money from stranded women!
Från en av mina favorit 80-tals rullar!! Nämligen:

Publicerad 2011-06-11 19:21:49 i Dagens citat,
Det var längeseeeeedan nu, så här kommer dagens citat:
Yvaine: Are you tempted?
Tristan: Tempted, by what?
Yvaine: Immortality. Let's say it wasn't *my* heart. Not me. Just a star you didn't know.
Tristan: You seriously think I could kill anyone?
Yvaine giggles]
Tristan: I mean, even if I could... Everlasting life? I imagine it would be kind of lonely. Well, maybe if you had someone to share it with. Someone you loved. Then it might be different.
Från en film som jag trodde skulle vara bättre än vad den var, nämligen:

Publicerad 2011-05-09 18:59:40 i Dagens citat,
Ward Abbott: Can you really bring him in?
Conklin: I think we're past that, don't you? What, do you have a better idea?
Ward Abbott: Well, so far, you've given me nothing but a trail of collateral damage from Zurich to Paris. I don't think I could do much worse.
Conklin: Well why don't you go upstairs and book a conference room. Maybe you can talk him to death.
Från en riktigt bra actionrulle!! Vilken?? Jo...

Publicerad 2011-05-01 11:01:50 i Dagens citat,
April: You're the toilet paper guy.
Will Hayes: Yes, I am in fact the toilet paper guy, but feel free to cal me the bagel-and-coffee guy. Or, Todd in accounting calls me Chrystal, which I'm pretty sure is a girl's name.
Från en film som jag har för mig först promotades som en komedi, men det är inte det. Utan mer ett kärleksdrama med komedi i den. En bra rulle faktiskt.

Publicerad 2011-04-25 15:59:42 i Dagens citat,
Vern: Do you think Mighty Mouse could beat up Superman?
Teddy: What are you, cracked?
Vern: Why not? I saw the other day. He was carrying five elephants in one hand!
Teddy: Boy, you don't know nothing! Mighty Mouse is a cartoon. Superman's a real guy. There's no way a cartoon could beat up a real guy.
Vern: Yeah, maybe you're right. It'd be a good fight, though.
Från den underbara, underbara och underbara filmen:

Publicerad 2011-04-16 18:32:54 i Dagens citat,
Allie: It was real, wasn't it? You and me. Such a long time ago, we were just a couple of kids. But we really loved each other, didn't we?

Publicerad 2011-04-12 21:52:24 i Dagens citat,
Estelle: I wanted to tell you the truth!
Edgar: Unfortunately, the truth makes everything else seem like a lie.
Från en film som var..... njaaa.... Ett försök att efterlikna Love actually fast under alla hjärtans dag. Storylinen med Julia Roberts var nog den bästa tror jag...
Anyway, från:

Publicerad 2011-04-05 15:25:04 i Dagens citat,
Tanya: Down big fella, I'm old enough to be your mother!
Rosie: Grandmother.
Från en film jag personligen trodde skulle vara bättre än vad den var. Men the surroundings!! OMG!

Publicerad 2011-04-02 21:44:50 i Dagens citat,
Willie Mays Hayes: What the hell league you been playing in?
Rick Vaughn: California Penal...
Willie Mays Hayes: Never heard of it. How'd you end up playing there?
Rick Vaughn: Stole a car.
Från en film, med bl a Charlie Sheen, jag gillade skarpt när jag var liten, nämligen:
Major League
Publicerad 2011-03-29 22:07:46 i Dagens citat,
Tess McGill: [
pretending to be her boss] I know what I'm doing.
Cynthia: Yeah, screwing up your life.
Tess McGill: No, I'm trying to make it better! I'm not gonna spend the rest of my life working my ass off and getting nowhere just because I followed rules that I had nothing to do with setting up, OK?
Från en 80tals-klassiker som jag gillade när jag var liten. Det är en film med mycket hår och mycket smink. Med Harrison Ford och Melanie Griffith, nämligen:

Publicerad 2011-03-14 15:04:55 i Dagens citat,
Phil: I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl. We ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters.
Ralph and Gus snort]
Phil: *That* was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get *that* day over, and over, and over...
Från bra rulle helt enkelt!

Publicerad 2011-03-12 14:28:07 i Dagens citat,
Det var väl på tiden!!?
Alma Del Mar Jr. - Age 19: [
Surveying her father's meager living conditions] Daddy, you need more furniture.
Ennis Del Mar: Yeah, well... if you got nothin', you don't need nothin'.
Från den vackra och tragiska filmen: